Buying a Home

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How to Estimate Your Property's Current Value
Learn how to calculate your property value before buying or selling. Discover the factors you should consider and estimate a property value with Unloan's guide.
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Things to Know about Stamp Duty When Buying a House
Here’s everything you need to know about stamp duty when it comes time to buy your next home.
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Buying Your Next Home: What Can You Afford?
Here are a few things to consider when determining what you can afford with your next home purchase.
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How to Use Equity to Buy Your Next Investment Property
Leverage your home equity to buy an investment property. Here’s what you need to know.
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Understand the Path to Property Investment
We share a step-by-step guide on how to help you get started on your investment property journey.
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How Much Can I Borrow When Buying an Investment Property?
Discover your borrowing power for investment properties and how it differs from owner-occupier loans.
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