How much could I


Borrowing Calculator

Your borrowing power will help you determine the type of properties you can purchase, as well as the suburbs you can consider. Use the calculator below to estimate your borrowing power with Unloan.

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Borrowing Power
How much can I borrow?
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Savings calculator
How much could I save?
How much could I save?
How much could I save?
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  • 5 easy steps.
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  • Step one
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  • Step two
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    The one time it’s not rude to talk about money.
  • Step three
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    Food, bills, utilities, you know, life stuff.
    Don’t worry, we’ve made it really easy for you.
  • Step four
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    Big or small, let us know.
  • Step five
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Frequently asked questions

How does the borrowing calculator work?

Borrowing calculators estimate how much you are able to borrow while taking into consideration a number of factors:

  • Are you borrowing by yourself or with someone else?
  • What is your income?
  • What debts, liabilities and expenses do you have?
  • What are your loan terms? For eg: 30 years.

How much can I borrow?

Everyone's borrowing power is different. You can use an online borrowing calculator (like ours!) to get an indication of how much you might be able to borrow.

What is borrowing power?

Borrowing power (or borrowing capacity) is the amount you can borrow from a lender or bank. It is typically equivalent to your potential loan amount.

Learn more about what borrowing power is here. You can also try our borrowing calculator.

What factors affect my borrowing power?

There are a number of factors that may affect your borrowing power including:

For more information, click here.

How do interest rate changes affect my borrowing power?

Higher interest rates typically mean your borrowing power will be reduced as your repayment costs will increase.

Learn more about how interest rate changes impact your repayments here.

How does existing debt impact my borrowing power?

Whether they're big or small, any existing debt or financial commitments you regularly put your income towards could impact your ability to make repayments on your loan.

These include credit cards, existing home loans, personal loans, HECS-HELP and more. Learn more about how your debt and expenses impact your borrowing power here.

Does my employment type affect my borrowing power?

Yes, your employment type will impact your borrowing power. Your employment and job stability can help determine how likely you'll be able to make repayments on your loans.

What can I see on these calculators?

You’ll be able to see:

  • An estimate of your minimum monthly principal and interest repayments by refinancing to Unloan
  • What changes occur if you make additional repayments
  • An estimate of how much interest you could save by refinancing to Unloan
  • How our annual discount works over the life of your loan

Are these calculators accurate?

The calculations on our refinance home loan calculator and mortgage interest calculator are an estimate provided as a guide only. They are calculated based on our current advertised interest rate and assume this rate continues for the life of the loan until the loan settlement date is reached. Interest rates may change at any time.

Calculations are not home loan approvals. Applications are subject to credit approval, satisfactory security, and minimum deposit requirements. Full terms and conditions will be set out in our loan offer, if an offer is made.

As the refinance home loan calculator has been provided without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider the appropriateness of any outcomes to your circumstances, and seek independent advice as required. Take note that our calculations do not consider product features or grants.

How much can I borrow with Unloan?

From $10,000 to $10,000,000.

Total borrowings per customer across all Unloan loans is limited to $10,000,000.

Learn more about our Loan Features.

Everything borrowing power in one place

We provide four ways to help you increase your borrowing power for your home buying journey.
Understand six key factors affecting your borrowing power in your home buying journey.
Here’s a breakdown of how banks work out how much you can borrow.
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